DRAG® Spray Water Control Valve (100DSV)
Controlling steam temperatures ensures safety, reliability and efficiency of power...
DRAG® Level Control Control Valve (100DLC)
DRAG® control valve for level control applications IMI CCI is able to offer a one valve...
Erosion-Resistant Plug and Cage Choke Valve (860HPC)
Critical service choke valve solution The 860HPC is an erosion resistant, control valve...
DRAG® wellhead production choke valve Today’s gas field environment means higher...
DRAG® Compressor Anti-surge Valve
Severe service anti-surge and compressor recycle solution The optimum solution for...
Cage-Guided Control Valve (840 Series)
Control valves for general applications The 840 series cage-guided valve is specially...
Angle Valves (860 Series)
The 860 series cage-guided valve is specially designed using advanced control valve...
Multi-trim control valve The 100DMT control valve has been developed to serve the widest...
Control valves for general service applications The pre-configured 840GC control valve...