Tools Articles

Hydraulic Nut

EHN Top Collar Hydraulic Nut Our precision machined top collar hydraulic nuts offer a quick, accurate and cost effective solution to simultaneous tightening of multiple bolted joints. In addition to standard features normally associated with hydraulic nuts, our system...

HFS Pipe Flange Spreader

PIPE FLANGE HYDRAULIC SPREADER - HFS - You’ll never again have to resort to “hammer and chisel” methods that waste time and effort. Flange spreaders should be used in pairs to proide even spreading force. - Standard 60° wedge is suitable for most flanges; 30° “thin”...

HS Hydraulic Spreaders

HS HYDRAULIC SPREADERS - Often used to position and align heavy pipes and flanges for easier bolting. - Conforms to ASME B30.1 standard. - High strength alloy steel forged upper and lower jaws on HS2000. - Jaws are spring-return; retract automatically when pressure is...

Nut Splitters

Nut SplittersENS Hydraulic Nut Splitter Our Hydraulic Nut Splitter offers a reliable and effective solution to removal of seized and corroded nuts. - Triple edge replaceable cutting blade - Blade positioning scale to eliminate bolt damage - Cutting depth fixed-Nut...
Nut Splitters

Nut Splitters

Nut SplittersENS Hydraulic Nut Splitter Our Hydraulic Nut Splitter offers a reliable and effective solution to removal...

PD Flowtech